Hinge Statistics

How Many Likes On Hinge

Written by Shane White

If you’re new to Hinge, you may be wondering what all of this “Liking” business is about. After all, the way the location-based app works is somewhat different than other dating apps, such as Tinder or Bumble.

Well, Likes are a fundamental part of how the algorithm works, but don’t think you can rely on them alone to connect with and meet someone! After all, Hinge is the app that’s “designed to be deleted”, and it wants you to put a little more effort into your communication so that you can possibly meet someone who could end up being your new life partner…!

In this article we’re going to cover:

  • How exactly “Liking” works on Hinge
  • Whether or not Hinge limits how many Likes you receive
  • How many matches on Hinge you could see daily
  • When Hinge Likes reset
  • How many likes guys and girls could see on the app
  • Whether or not girls Like first
  • If girls can see all of their Likes
  • If your Likes expire
  • How to get more Likes without needing to spend money
  • Frequently asked questions.

Let’s get started and you can begin Liking your way into a relationship!

How “Liking” Works on Hinge

Likes are a way for you to be able to tell other users that you’re interested in them. Now, unlike other apps where you would swipe on a whole profile, Hinge encourages you to Like parts of the profile. For example replies to their Hinge Prompts (interview-type questions, designed for you to express your opinion or comment on a particular topic), or their photos.

If the potential suitor then looks at your bio and Likes something in return, you’ll be given the option to either reply, dismiss, or match. Matching will put you and the other person into a private room where you’ll be able to send each other messages.

While you could just Like and move on, that’s not likely to get you a whole lot of success with many people! Instead, you should add a comment to your Like, maybe even something about their skills they’ve highlighted in their Prompt, or a comment on their pictures. 

The whole idea is to use Prompts as potential conversation starters, something that bypassess traditional small talk and gets you straight into learning more about each other, and setting up a potential coffee or wine date! 

Making sure that you jump in there with a comment without fear is going to get you a much better response than a blind click of the heart icon, with nothing behind it!

Unlimited Likes Feature

Hinge is a very good app for meeting others. However, one of the things that can be a bit of a challenge is the fact that a lot of the “better” app features (for example, the ability to send unlimited Likes) come with the paid version of the app.

While we’re not saying that you have to pay to use Hinge in order to find success on the app, it’s undeniable that it’s very likely you’ll meet more like-minded people if you do sign up for one of the premium features!

Basic Hinge will only give you eight total Likes that you can send per day. On the other hand, Hinge+ and HingeX will allow you to send unlimited Likes.

Why only eight, though?

Well, Hinge works on the theory that it’s quality not quantity of matches. Rather than endlessly browsing through everyone on your feed and giving out Likes left, right, and center, by only having eight available for you, it puts the pressure on slightly.

With eight Likes, you’ll need to really check out the men and women in your feed, read their profiles carefully, and consider their character. After all, with only a few Likes available to you, you’ll need to be a little more judicious with how you distribute them!

So, while the theory is pretty sound, we know that sometimes only having access to a seemingly arbitrary number of Likes per day is a bit restrictive. In which case, you may want to sign up for one of the premium versions of Hinge.

If you do become a Subscriber, you’ll not only have access to unlimited Likes, but also the ability to set your preferences in a little more detail than with the basic version (including choices for religion, education, politics, and future family plans). 

That could be a good reason to throw a little money in the pot!

Does Hinge Limit the Amount of Likes You Receive?

While Hinge won’t limit how many Likes you receive, there are a couple of caveats.

First is that your Likes You feed is limited to 99 Likes. That means if you’re receiving a lot of attention on the app and you don’t check it often, you could be missing out on some of your potential matches.

The other is that if you’re on the basic version of Hinge, you’ll only see the top Likes You notification in your feed. All of the others will be blurred out. In order to see the full list, you’ll need to sign up for one of the premium versions of Hinge.

Making sure that you have your notifications turned on for Hinge, if you’re on the basic version, is a great idea. 

This means that every time you get a Like for anything on your profile  — be it a response to a Photo Prompt, travel story, your taste in music or favorite song, or a cute pic of you and your pet (top tip: we’ve yet to meet a woman who doesn’t love pics of dogs!) — it’ll pop up on your screen.

That way you’re not likely to miss out on a potential match.

How Many Hinge Matches Can You Get Per Day?

In theory, you could receive up to 15 matches every day. However, the truth is that this number varies wildly, and user evidence suggests that:

  • Women generally receive more Likes than men (not entirely surprising, consider there are significantly more men than women on the app)
  • People on average receive about five likes daily
  • Users who add comments to their Likes are three times more likely to get an answer (according to Hinge).

Now, while you could pull together a bit of a basic Hinge profile, with your name, your hobbies, a few words about the kind of food and drinks you like (“I love pizza and beer”), and then link your Facebook page so that it pulls photos from your profile directly into your bio, we’re here to tell you that this is a bad idea!

In fact, in our opinion, it’s a dating bio crime!

Nothing is going to get you labeled with red flags faster than a basic profile that you haven’t put a whole lot of effort into, and it’ll stop you getting matches. 

After all, who wants to go on a date (and potentially build a life) with someone who says their fave restaurant is Olive Garden, and the dish they can’t live without is Chicken Alfredo or a hamburger?

Now, while we mean no shade to anybody who loves those dishes (a good hamburger is #FoodGoals, after all), it doesn’t exactly inspire a whole lot of feeling, does it? 

It tells your potential match nothing about the ideas that drive and inspire you, what your great pleasures in life are, topics such as your bucket list items, books and movies that made you see the world in a whole new light, or hidden talents and artistic traits.

Trust us, a well-built profile that shows that you’re open, honest, and interesting are the key to getting more matches!

And that doesn’t even take into account your photos!

Hinge requires you to upload a minimum of six photos to your profile. These photos are, arguably, the most important part of your dating profile. After all, it’s the first thing that someone will see, so making sure that you’re presenting yourself in your best possible light will help a potential date to see that you’re more-than-friend material!

The best way to do this is by having a combination of amazing photos (no gym selfies here, please!), showing you in a variety of different poses, and doing the things you love. The key is to mix it up!

While you can include a group photo, or a photo with your parents and siblings, just be sure to limit it to only one and make sure you caption it! A group photo can show someone looking at your profile that you have a history of hanging out with a good group of buddies, and one with your family will show that you value spending time with them. 

All green flags for a potential partner!

Of course, the absolute best way to take better photos is by working with a professional photography service, like we offer at The Match Artist.

When you sign up with us, we’ll take you through an extensive questionnaire all about you and what you’re looking for, and then pair you with one of our professional photographers.

From there, our photographer will schedule a call with you, then take you through our facial expression coaching. This is a unique service we offer, which really makes a huge difference to your photos. 

There’s so much that can be relayed in your images through your facial expression, but it’s something that people often fall down on. However, with some coaching from us before and on the day of your shoot (and some practice from you in front of the mirror!), when we show up at your house ready to photograph you, you’ll be all set!

As we’ve already mentioned, variety is key, so we’ll even go through your wardrobe with you and help you pick out some outfits. Whether it’s jeans and your favorite shirt, or a fresh-out-of-the-shower suited and booted look, we’ll help you plan it all ahead of time, and get you photos that get results

We’ll even make sure to switch up the locations, get you some indoor and outdoor shots, and help you lay all of your best traits out on the table, to get you more matches.

Believe us: it really does make all the difference!

At What Time Do Hinge Likes Reset?

Your Hinge Likes (as in the number of Likes you can send daily) will reset at 4am, local time across the app.

Good news for those on the basic version with limited Likes, though we wouldn’t necessarily recommend staying up until 4am to begin Liking other profiles again…!

How Many Likes Does a Guy Get on Hinge?

While it varies from profile to profile, anecdotal evidence suggests that the average guy may receive around three to five Likes per week.

We can tell you from feedback and experience that our clients receive a whole lot more than that after working with us…!

How Many Likes Do Girls Get in a Day?

More anecdotal evidence suggests that girls can receive, on average, 99 Likes or more every day.

As you can imagine, for a woman that can be pretty overwhelming!

It’s actually part of the issue with imbalance on dating apps, as there are significantly more heterosexual men interested in women. In fact, it tends to lead to dating app fatigue — there’s only so many times a woman can hear the same old pick-up lines before she gives up!

Do Girls Like First on Hinge?

Unlike on Bumble, girls don’t Like first on Hinge. Anybody can Like something on another person’s profile first, regardless of gender. 

The only point of difference is that both users have to either Like or choose to match with each other in order to be placed in a private chat room, where they can send unlimited messages.

Do Girls See All Likes on Hinge?

Girls can see the exact same number of Likes that guys can on Hinge, depending on if you’re on the basic or premium versions.

Remember, the basic version of Hinge will only show you the first Like in your Likes You feed, while the premium versions will show you up to 99 Likes.

Do Hinge Likes Expire?

While your Hinge Likes don’t expire, exactly, you will need to monitor them slightly, especially if you’re on the basic version of Hinge.

As you can only see the first Like in your Likes You feed with basic Hinge, if you don’t act on this fast enough, when another Like comes in, you potentially won’t be able to access the previous Like.

If you upgrade to one of the Subscriptions then this won’t be an issue, however.

Bear in mind that you also get access to a single Rose per week — regardless if you’re on the basic of premium versions of Hinge — which acts in a similar way to Super Likes on Tinder. You can also purchase additional Roses for a fee.

The Hinge Liking System vs Other Dating Apps

How to Get More Likes on Hinge Without Buying the Premium Version

While stumping up for premium Hinge may be able to get you a few more Likes, luckily you can have just as much success on the app without having to pay a single cent! 

Good news for those of you on a budget, or morally adverse to paying for dates!

However, even if you’re undoubtedly God’s gift to womankind, you need to put a little work in on your Hinge profile to ensure that you see those Likes. Here’s our top tips!

1. Fill Out Your Profile in Full

Half-assed profiles and one-word answers are giant red flags! Make sure you take the time to go through every part of the sign-up process, including setting your preferences, so that you can open yourself up to the most number of matches possible.

Bear in mind that you shouldn’t be too restrictive with your preferences, as this could stop you from seeing a larger number of profiles! Be open minded and your perfect partner could be just outside of your preferences boundaries!

2. Answer Your Prompts Creatively

The number one reason someone may dismiss your profile? You’re coming across as too basic. 

Choose your Prompts carefully, answer them with a little bit of panache and flair, and remember the 70:30 rule: 70% of your dating profile should be about you, and the remaining 30% should be about the person you’d like to meet.

3. Use Your Likes Strategically

If you’ve got eight Likes to use per day, don’t blow them all at once! Instead be sure to really read through the bios you’re being shown, and only Like someone when you really think you’d have a good chance at a connection!

And don’t forget to include a comment!

4. Take Advantage of Hinge’s Roses

You may only get one Rose per week, but it’s a great way to connect with someone and show them that you’re interested — especially if you may have already run out of your daily eight Likes, then saw the perfect profile!

You can purchase more Roses, if you so desire, but just be a little judicious with how many you send out there!

5. Make Your Photos Irresistible

Our absolute number one top tip? 

Make your photos so good she can’t help but Like them!

Great photos are the best way to get more Likes, and it’s an easy investment. The results really do speak for themselves — all you have to do is get in touch with The Match Artist, and we’ll make the magic happen!

Final Thoughts

When it comes to your Hinge Likes, if you aren’t seeing quite what you’d like to on the app, there could be a few reasons for this.

For one, Hinge deliberately limits the number of Likes you can send per day (on the basic version of the app) to encourage you to seek quality over quantity. That naturally means you may be seeing less Likes daily, as compared to an app like Tinder.

But the main reason? Your profile may simply not be interesting or attractive enough to interest other users.

Luckily, there’s an easy fix for that! 

We know that you have all of the talent, charm, good looks, and sense of humor to meet your perfect match — you just need a little help to show it!

Be sure that you’ve fully optimized your profile by:

  • Filling it out in full
  • Answering Prompts that allow you to show a little personality and creative flair
  • Using your Likes strategically (and send a comment along with it!)
  • Taking advantage of Hinge’s Roses feature to really show someone you’re interested!

And, of course, make sure those photos are top-notch!

While the first few are going to be up to you, when it comes to photos, we’ve got your back! 

Get in touch with The Match Artist today and let’s chat about how to get you more Likes on Hinge!

How Many Likes on Hinge FAQs

How many likes can you see on Hinge?

On basic Hinge you can only see the top Like in your Likes You feed. However, if you upgrade you’ll be able to see all of your Likes (up to 99).

How many likes do you get on Hinge as a girl?

Girls can receive around 99+ Likes a day, if they’re particularly popular on the app. Stats have shown that the top 1% of women receive about 11% of the total Likes on Hinge, whereas for men it’s around 16%.

Does Hinge tell if you send a Rose?

Yes, Hinge will send a notification to the person you’ve sent a Rose to, and your profile will be bumped to the top of the recipient’s Likes You feed.


  1. hingeapp.zendesk.com
  2. reddit.com
  3. blog.gitnux.com
  4. datingsitesreviews.com
  5. reddit.com
  6. gq-magazine.co.uk
  7. qz.com
  8. businessinsider.com
  9. techzillo.com

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We tailor your photo experience with us to highlight things you enjoy doing most. Whether it's kayaking, rock climbing, reading, or drinking coffee, you'll get more matches with a varied profile filled with your talents.

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