Maximizing Success on Dil Mil

Dil Mil Pick-Up Lines

Written by Shane White

Dil Mil Pick-Up Lines

Online dating isn’t so simple as getting on the app and starting to swipe. One of the key parts is what you actually send to other people as your first message!

But what makes good conversation starters and how do you get conversations flowing with someone?

In this article we’re going to cover:

  • What Dil Mil is
  • How to prepare yourself for success on the app
  • Examples for the perfect pick-up line
  • Frequently asked questions.

Ready to dive in so you can craft the best first pick up lines to your match? Let’s get started!

What Is Dil Mil?

Dil Mil is a specialist dating site, specifically aimed at expat South Asians (ie, desi users). It has over 2 million users in key diasporic markets, including the U.S., U.K., Canada, Australia, and UAE.

Described as “Tinder for South Asians,” Dil Mil uses the same swipe mechanism as other dating apps you may be familiar with. Simply swipe right to like a profile, or swipe left to pass.

The algorithm is proprietary, which means that the data you provide Dil Mil is how you’re matched with others. And the information, preferences, and filters are wide ranging! You can find the man or woman of your dreams down to their level of education, religious views, ethnic community, location, and even height!

The majority of users on Dil Mil have rejected traditional matchmaking, or introductions from parents or friends. Thus, those on the app tend to be looking for men or women for real connections, long-term relationships and marriage.

While the majority of users are heterosexual (ie, guys looking for girls, and vice versa), there is a proportion of queer users on the app. And while most people are looking for girlfriends or boyfriends they could take home to the family, the app’s ability to match you with someone anywhere in the world, could mean new friendships, too.

While primarily aimed at South Asians, everyone is welcome on Dil Mil, and there are plenty of users who are not South Asian.

Is Dil Mil a Real Dating Site?

Yes, Dil Mil is very much a real dating site! They boast plenty of matches — 20 million, in fact! They also claim to hear about one success story through the app every day.

Is Dil Mil Safe?

While nothing on the Internet is ever 100% safe, Dil Mil has practically no fake profiles and no scammers on the platform. They use profile verification, including phone number authentication to achieve this, along with a very active human moderation team.

Is Dil Mil Free?

The basic version of Dil Mil is free. However, with the free version there are significantly less features, notably access to most of the filters that make Dil Mil so popular. You’ll also only have access to 10 swipes a day, then have to wait for 24 hours before this resets.

To access the better features and unlimited swipes, you’ll have to sign up for Dil Mil VIP Elite, which can be quite expensive.

Preparing for Success with Dil Mil

Before you can even think about what your first messages on Dil Mil are going to be, make sure that you’ve optimized your profile, so that you’re getting plenty of matches on the app!

Our top tips for optimizing your profile include:

  • Make sure you’ve fully filled out your profile
  • Make good use of the filters to narrow down your potential matches, but don’t be too picky
  • Ensure that your location settings are set properly
  • Craft an interesting (but short) bio that tells the other person about your interests and contains conversation starters
  • Use the allocated six picture slots to upload great profile images.

Of all of these, your photos are the secret to getting another person’s attention on Dil Mil. High-quality photos are the number one thing that can make the most difference between you getting a response from another user, or not!

While not everyone has access to a DSLR, you can still get amazing profile photos by getting in touch with The Match Artist!

Our professional photographers specialize in profile pics for your dating profile, and are guaranteed to take photos that you’ll not only love but that will get you more matches!

Your personal photoshoot will take place over four to five hours at a location of your choosing. From there, our photographer will get you in different outfits, different poses, and different locations, all to take the best photos of you!

We’ll even teach you how to smile to get more matches! And if smiling isn’t your thing, then our facial expression coaching will help you look more mysterious, intentional, charming, or show your sense of humor. Whatever it is that you’re trying to portray, we can help!

So, now that you’ve secured the matches (a whole load of them!), what next?

The Secret of a Successful Dil Mil Pickup Line

The best Dil Mil pick up lines are ones that start a conversation. You don’t have to be the funniest person in the world, you don’t have to bear your heart and soul in that first message, you just need to get the other person talking!

Make sure you pay attention to the other person’s profile. If they mention that they like books and food, craft a message that mentions something about their interests, and be sure to direct the message back at them!

You don’t have to lead with a joke, either — pay attention to the tone of their profile and the things they like, and go from there!

Some examples of potential first messages:

  • “Quick fire, choose one! You’re looking at the menu, do you choose pizza or pasta?”
  • “Are you more of a sweet or spicy chai kind of person?”
  • “Hi, [insert name]. You look amazing in that sari in your profile pic! Was it a special event?”

The Best Opening Line Depends on the Age of the Person You’re Talking to

Just as everyone is different, there’s no one-size-fits-all opening line on Dil Mil. Pay attention to the basics on their profile!

How old are they? Do they seem more conservative or liberal? Do they seem like they’d be down for a more flirty opener or something a bit more chill to begin with?

Remember, you’re looking for a genuine connection with another person. You’re only going to get that if you put the time into getting to know them.

Is It Okay to Just Start with “Hey”?

“Hey” or “hi” may seem like pretty lackluster first messages to send when online dating. It doesn’t give much insight into your personality or your mind. 

For some people, they may not even bother replying, especially if it’s a choice between your “hey” or another person’s more well-crafted and thoughtful message!

On Dil Mil, especially, women can be a bit less responsive, likely thanks to the fact that the top-rated profiles receive a lot more attention. So, if you really want to get a reply, give the other person a reason to!

The Best Opening Lines May Vary by City

Just as you need to pay attention to the other person’s profile details, you also need to pay attention to what city they’re from and live in.

Maybe your ideal match is from an area you know really well, or you went to the same college — that’s a perfect place to start a conversation from!

Remember, in the world of online dating, any commonalities are your lifeline, so grab hold to those words and stories and cling on tight.

Crafting the Perfect Pick-Up Line

Now that you’ve got some tips for how to get more matches, and things to pay attention to when crafting your perfect pick-up line, how about some examples?

The Most Cringe Pick-Up Lines

While these lines are super cringey, some people are into that! Use with caution!

  • “Do you like raisins? How do you feel about a date?”
  • “Let’s flip a coin. Heads, you’re mine, tails, I’m yours.”
  • “If you were a vegetable, you’d be a cute-cumber.”
  • “Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?”
  • “Any chance you have an extra heart? Mine’s been stolen!”
  • “You’re so sweet, you’re giving me a toothache.”
  • “Do you have a name, or can I just call you mine?”
  • “Do you have a map? I keep getting lost in your eyes.”
  • “Is there an airport nearby, or is it my heart taking off?”
  • “We’re not socks, but I think we’d make a great pair.”

Amazing But Cheesy Pick-Up Lines

These pick-up lines should definitely be used in moderation, and only if you think the other person is going to find it funny!

  • “There’s something wrong with my cell phone: it doesn’t have your number in it.”
  • “If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put ‘U’ and ‘I’ together.”
  • “I must be in a museum, because you truly are a work of art.”
  • “Did you just come out of the oven? Because you’re hot.”
  • “I was blinded by your beauty; I’m going to need your name and phone number for insurance purposes.”
  • “Somebody had better call God — he’s missing an angel.”
  • “We’re not socks, but I think we’d make a great pair.”
  • “You must be tired — you’ve been running through my dreams all night.”
  • “Did the sun come out, or did you just smile at me?”
  • “You’re so beautiful you made me forget my pick-up line.”

Just Bad Pick-Up Lines

Some of these lines scream high yikes, but you never know: sometimes they’re so bad that they’re good…!

  • “Hey, my name’s Microsoft. Can I crash at your place tonight?”
  • “Aside from being sexy, what do you do for a living?”
  • “Are you French? Because Eiffel for you.”
  • “If you were a chicken, you’d be impeccable.”
  • “Is your name Google? You’ve got everything I’ve been searching for.”
  • “Can I go home with you? My parents always told me to follow my dreams.”
  • “My love for you is like diarrhea: I just can’t hold it in.”
  • “Do you like Star Wars? Because Yoda only one for me.”
  • “I was feeling a little off today but you’ve turned me on again.”
  • “I’ve got 1-ply, I’ve got 2-ply, but all I really want is your re-ply.”

Totally Funny Pick-Up Lines

The pick-up lines guaranteed to get you a laugh and, hopefully, a response!

  • “Are you a parking ticket? Because you’ve got ‘FINE’ written all over you.”
  • “I wish I were cross-eyed, so I could see you twice.”
  • “Want to know what my shirt’s made of? Boyfriend material.”
  • “Did your license get suspended for driving too many guys crazy?”
  • “Well, here I am. What are your other two wishes?”
  • “Life without you is like a broken pencil — pointless.”
  • “I hope you know CPR because you’re taking my breath away.”
  • “Did we go to school together? I could swear we had chemistry.”
  • “You owe me a drink. When I saw you, I dropped mine.”
  • “They say dating is a numbers game — can I get yours?”

Cute Pickup Lines

Looking for the cute angle? Try out some of these!

  • “If I were a cat, I’d spend all my nine lives with you.”
  • “What’s it like to be the most gorgeous person on this app?”
  • “I’m not a photographer, but I could definitely picture us together.”
  • “Did you do something to my eyes? I can’t seem to take them off you.”
  • “Do you have sunburn, or are you always this hot?”
  • “I’m not drunk, I’m just intoxicated by you.”
  • “I’m not an organ donor, but I’m ready to give you my heart.”
  • “I’ve been told I’m good with numbers. Want to give me yours so I can prove it?”
  • “I can see that you’re gorgeous and smart — what else should I know about you?”
  • “I’d never play hide and seek with you: someone like you is hard to find.”
  • “Are you as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside?”

Key Takeaways

If you’re looking for someone who could potentially be “the one,” then you need to pay attention to the first message that you send.

Whether you choose to go flirty or deep, dating on Dil Mil is all about getting to know and finding a link, so that you can hopefully take your journey off the page and into real life!

Remember to:

  • Read their profile carefully, looking for conversation starters
  • Don’t just send a generic message, craft one specific to the person
  • Optimize your profile first, so that you can increase your matches
  • Ensure that your profile pics are high-quality, recent, and show you off!

While we can’t write your first message for you, we can help when it comes to your profile pics! If you need to upgrade your profile photo game, book your shoot with The Match Artist today!

Our professional photographers will take amazing photos that not only you’ll love, but your matches will too!


Does Dil Mil really work?

According to Dil Mil, they have heaps of success stories from people who met on the app, fell in love, and even got married!

Because Dil Mil is specifically aimed at South Asian expats, if that’s you, you have a significant chance of meeting a like minded person.

What are your favorite pick-up lines?

Some of our favorite pick-up lines include:

  • “*Smashes ice cube* Well, now that I’ve broken the ice…”
  • “When I send your pic to my group chat, which one would you like me to use?”
  • “On a scale from 1 to America, how free are you this weekend?”

Want us to do your online dating for you?

While we can’t do your online dating for you, we can certainly give you some tips and hints for how to get more matches! Remember to:

  • Optimize your profile (and we can help with the photo side of things!)
  • Highlight your best qualities
  • Be open to new experiences and people
  • Don’t swipe indiscriminately
  • Be yourself and be honest!



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We tailor your photo experience with us to highlight things you enjoy doing most. Whether it's kayaking, rock climbing, reading, or drinking coffee, you'll get more matches with a varied profile filled with your talents.

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