Conversation and Interaction

How to Respond on Bumble: Master the Art of Chatting on Bumble

Written by Shane White

How to Respond on Bumble: Master the Art of Chatting on Bumble

So, you’ve downloaded Bumble, you’ve made a few swipes and now you’ve made a match! But once you get into that one-on-one chat room with your match, how do you actually respond to their first message?

We know how nerve wracking it can be but don’t worry! So much of this is mind over matter, and we’ve got all the tips you need to turn your Bumble chat into a free-flowing conversation, and potentially an IRL date!

In this article we’ll cover:

  • What Bumble actually is
  • What you need to understand about Bumble chats
  • How to deal with first message
  • Our top three strategies for responding on Bumble
  • How to transform a boring conversation
  • Our top tips for responding on Bumble
  • How to navigate the complexities of conversations on Bumble
  • Frequently asked questions.

Ready for us to guide you through how to become a Bumble chat master? Read on!

What Is Bumble?

Bumble is a dating app that aims to flip the script on traditional dating. Unlike Tinder and Hinge, it requires women to make the first move in heterosexual matches. In non-heterosexual matches, women-identifying users will have first message privileges, or both parties will

This game-changing approach means women send the first greeting and set the tone for the conversation. It creates a female-friendly environment that allows women to lead the conversation.

Bumble was created by an ex-Tinder founder and has since evolved from a dating app to a social network. Now, in addition to Bumble Date, the swipe-based dating site that can help connect you with other singles in your location, you can also use Bumble BFF or Bumble Bizz.

Bumble BFF can help you find friends, while Bumble Bizz can help you expand your professional network. Who knows, perhaps the key to your fortune is just one swipe away…!

Understanding Bumble’s Communication Mechanism

The communication process on Bumble is all about engagement and reciprocity.

If two people swipe right on each other and there’s a match, women (or those with first message priority) will have 24 hours to send a message. If they don’t, the match disappears — unless the other party uses their daily extend feature, that is!

After the first message is sent, you’ll then have 24 hours to respond. This keeps the momentum going and encourages everyone to have quick conversations — if you don’t respond, you lose the match!

How Do You Start a Conversation on Bumble?

If you’re a heterosexual guy — you don’t! Women start the conversations on Bumble, so if you’re a guy that’s into girls, you just get to sit back and relax and wait for the first message.

If you’re a woman or into guys, your goal is to send an initial message that is engaging and sparks their curiosity! Personalized messages are the key, as they show effort, interest, and attention to detail.

If you have “First Move” privileges, you have a couple of different options for how to send that first message. You can send a message directly from the “You Matched” screen, or access your connections screen by tapping the gray logo in the bottom right-hand corner. This will allow you to see and message your matches.

Dealing with Initial Messages

Responding to initial messages can be tricky — your goal is to keep the conversation flowing. Let’s dive into some approaches!

How to Respond When a Bumble Match Opens with “Hey” or “What’s Up?”

Ah, the “hey” or “what’s up” opening lines. As this Reddit thread shows, no one likes them! These are low-effort, low-risk openers — but don’t dismiss a match immediately just for this reason!

Think of it as your opportunity to steer the conversation in an interesting direction. Instead of responding with something similarly generic, try personalizing your response. Send a reply that shows you’ve read their profile, or a question that will help you get to know them.

The key to first messages is to treat it like a conversation starter. That means creating a message that can lead somewhere.

How to Respond to a Woman’s First Message on Bumble

When a woman sends the first message on Bumble, that’s a clear sign of interest. You’ll need to respond within 24 hours to keep the match from disappearing, though!

If she’s opened with something generic, try to spice up the conversation with something interesting. If she’s got an interesting opener, try to match her tone. You’ll get some clues from her profile for how to talk to her — so be sure you do some reading!

Remember, have fun with it! You’re just getting to know each other at this stage.

How to Respond to a Man’s First Message on Bumble

The most important rule of messaging on dating apps is to keep the momentum going! Reply with enthusiasm and interest, stay positive, match their tone, and don’t forget to be flirty.

Try to nudge the conversation forward so you can really get to know each other.

Strategies for Responding on Bumble

There are a few different approaches you can take when responding to messages on Bumble. Here’s our top three bits of advice.

Strategy #1: Be Direct

In some situations, being straightforward is the best approach — particularly if you really like someone!

Let them know you’re interested, ask about their interests, their preferences, their profile pictures, or details you’ve seen in their bio. Overall, show genuine curiosity about their world.

This direct approach can set you apart in a sea of generic messages!

Strategy #2: Don’t Just Reply Back with the Same Message

Bumble conversations are like a tennis match. The ball is in your court, so don’t just hit it back the same way it came, or you’ll have a problem. Add a spin to it!

Expand on their topics, introduce new ones, or inject a joke or two to show your sense of humor.

Show that you’re not just listening but also contributing to the conversation.

Strategy #3: Stay Positive and Upbeat

When you’re just getting to know someone, you don’t want things to get heavy too quickly! Maintaining a positive tone can make a big difference — it sets an uplifting mood for the conversation.

Make them smile by being enthusiastic and letting your optimism shine through. Positivity is infectious, and can improve your chances of a genuine connection and a good result.

Transforming Boring Conversations

Even with the best matches, conversations on Bumble can hit a lull. But don’t give up, with some creativity, you can transform a boring chat into something enjoyable and engaging!

What to Do If Your Bumble Conversation Is Boring

If your conversation just feels like a generic exchange of pleasantries, it’s a sign you need to shake things up!

Make sure your responses are personalized — let them get to know you and ask them questions about themselves. Make sure you refer to information you’ve read about them in their bio.

Need a change of pace? Try a fresh subject or ask a thoughtful question!

What Are Beige Flags?

The term “beige flags” originated on TikTok as a way to tell if anyone’s dating profile shows that they’re a boring person. Although the term has evolved to include quirky habits your partner might have, in the online dating world beige flags usually indicate a lack of effort or interest.

Some examples include:

  • If all their pictures are selfies
  • If they respond to your well-thought-out messages with single word answers
  • If their listed hobbies are very generic, like “watching TV” or “drinking coffee.”

You don’t necessarily want to dismiss someone with these in their bio, in case they’re a good match for you, but you do want to try to get to know them a little better!

How to Respond to “Hey” on Bumble and Actually Get Their Attention

Getting a “Hey“ as an opener may seem lackluster, but it’s actually an opportunity to grab the reins and steer the conversation.

Rather than responding with a simple “hi,” you can catch their attention by sharing something about your day or asking an interesting question.

For example, you’ll have more luck saying something like:

  • “Hey there, just got back from a run with my dog. Do you like dogs or are you more of a cat person?”

Remember, the goal is to engage them further and not just respond.

Best Practices for Responding on Bumble

Responding on Bumble isn’t just about replying quickly, it’s about maintaining a genuine conversation that can lead to a connection. You’ll want to keep your responses light and upbeat, be genuine, and above all — be confident!

But what about if you’re not getting a whole lot of matches or first messages? Well, you’ll want to make sure that you’ve fully optimized your profile. That means:

  • Filling out all of your profile information
  • Writing a short and sweet bio with plenty of conversation starters
  • Ensuring your settings are tweaked for best results in your area
  • Upgrading your profile pics.

While most of this is going to be up to you, when it comes to photos, that’s where The Match Artist can step in! We’re online dating experts, and we can support you with our expertise when it comes to improving your profile and having success.

Pics are the most important part of your profile, and with our high quality professional photos you’ll pretty quickly have the matches pouring in.

Not sure you believe us? Just check out some of our case studies of real past clients!

So, now that you’ve leveled up your profile, what do you actually say when first messages start flooding your inbox?

Additional Examples of Witty Bumble Responses for Guys

How you phrase your witty response will really depend on what the girl says first, but here are some choices of possible responses!

  • Her: “Do you have any hidden talents?”

Him: “Well, I wouldn’t call it ‘hidden,’ but I can make the world’s best grilled cheese. It’s all about the cheese-to-bread ratio.”

  • Her: “Are you more of a morning person or a night owl?”

Him: “I’m more of a ‘when my alarm goes off, I’m upset’ kind of person.”

  • Her: “Are you a cat or a dog person?”

Him: “I’m more of a dinosaur person. They’re just hard to find these days.”

Cute First Messages on Bumble

Not sure how to make your Bumble opener stand out? Here are a few ideas:

  • “Hey [name], your bio says you love adventures. If you could teleport anywhere right now, where would you go?”
  • “Hey there, I noticed in your profile that you’re a music lover. If your life was a movie, what song would be playing in the opening scene?”
  • “Hello [name], your love for books caught my eye. If you could be any character from your favorite book for a day, who would you be?”

All of these show you’ve read their profile and are interested in getting to know them!

Bumble conversations can be tricky, but a thoughtful approach simplifies the process.

What Should I Say in My First Bumble Message?

Your first Bumble message should show genuine interest in your match, as well as reflect your personality. Keep the tone light and make sure it’s personalized.

Instead of a generic “hi,” try something like:

  • “Hi [name], I noticed you’re a hiking enthusiast! Where’s the most unforgettable place you’ve hiked?”

This opener shows you’ve read their profile and you’re eager to know more.

Can I Just Say “Hi” on Bumble?

While you can open with a simple “hi,” this won’t help you stand out and may be read as a “beige flag” by your match. The first message is a shot to make an impression — remember, you only get one chance to make a first impression!

What is a Good First Response on Bumble?

A good first response on Bumble reciprocates the interest shown in the opener, keeps the conversation engaging, and encourages more interaction. Ensure you answer any questions asked, share a bit about yourself, and ask a question in return!

Some examples could include:

  • If they comment on your travel pics: “Thanks for asking! I’ve had some fantastic adventures, like backpacking in Thailand. But there are so many places still on my bucket list! What’s your favorite travel destination?”
  • If they mention your pet: “Yes, that’s my fur buddy! We love our walks in the park. Are you a dog lover, or a cat person?”

Remember, you want to respond with something that moves the conversation forwards, so responding with a question is ideal!

Key Takeaways

When it comes to responding and messaging on Bumble, it’s important to remember your first message sets the tone for the conversation. You want to go beyond “hi” and make sure your message shows genuine interest in your match, as well as demonstrates you’ve read their profile (we love a king who pays attention to details).

If your conversation hits a lull, introduce a new topic or ask them something about themselves. Be direct, stay positive and make sure your responses are varied and well thought out! Make sure you be yourself and project confidence when messaging your match.

Your mindset is key when messaging on Bumble. Stay positive and open to the possibility of making a meaningful connection. Focus on mindfulness and staying in the moment.

And remember to be present! Your match will know if you’re just giving cookie cutter responses.

Timing is everything when it comes to Bumble, so remember to respond within the 24-hour window so you don’t lose your match forever!

Remember, no matter how good your messaging is, it can’t make up for a lackluster profile. If yours needs some work, why not get in touch with The Match Artist?

Our professional photographers will set everything up for your personal photoshoot, getting to know you, what features you want to highlight, and what you’re looking for.

Not only will we coach you through what to wear and how to pose, we’ll even give you tailored facial expression coaching, so that you can make sure every shot we take is on point! Then, all you’ll have to do is upload your new pics, and watch the matches come flooding in.

Ready to start your journey to better matches? Get in touch with The Match Artist today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Do girls have to reply first on Bumble?

Yes, girls send the first message on Bumble when it comes to heterosexual relationships.

Is it okay to text on Bumble without a reply?

Generally, it’s best to wait for others to send a response before sending another message to avoid appearing too pushy. You want to give the other person some space!

However, if a considerable amount of time has passed, it might be okay to send a friendly follow-up. Timing and circumstances can vary, so use your best judgment — as this Reddit thread shows, there are a lot of differing opinions on the practice, so do what suits you!

Is “hey” or “hi” more flirty?

Neither response is inherently flirty — in fact, both are considered to be low-effort, lazy openers! Our thoughts are that it’s much better to add a personal touch to your first message. This will engage your match and help to push the conversation forwards.



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