The Smirk How We Coach Expressions To Look Alive

By far the most important aspect of our business is that of facial expression coaching. With all of our facial muscles, slight movements can entirely change the implications of what you mean to others. Most haven’t ever thought about facial expressions, but they are crucial for dates, job interviews, and especially every photo you’ll ever take.

By far the most important aspect of our business is that of facial expression coaching. With all of our facial muscles, slight movements can entirely change the implications of what you mean to others. Most haven’t ever thought about facial expressions, but they are crucial for dates, job interviews, and especially every photo you’ll ever take. If you can master the art of facial control, you can alter your expression depending on the circumstance. This blog in particular, is about the smirk. Slightly raising one corner of the mouth, even so subtly, can make you appear a little mischievous - like you’re up to something. Done in the correct way, it’s a positive. When I coach clients, I make sure to imply that you’re a fun, unique person, but that someone will have to go out with you to find out the rest of the story. All of this can be said in a single facial expression. We’ve heard a number of times from our clients that people say their photos look far more intriguing than the competition. A simple smile tells everything in one photo, but a smirk leaves a little secret to be desired. Connecting with the eyes is just as important, so reach out and see how we can help you - and check out some other examples of our clients.

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