I Have My Photos Now What

We took your photos, you had a great experience, now you're wondering what to do with the pics you just got? Some of this you may know, but I'm going to segment some key things to do with your photos as far as dating apps and social media are concerned. This is a lengthier blog, but it should be helpful in maximizing your success.

We took your photos, you had a great experience, now you're wondering what to do with the pics you just got? Some of this you may know, but I'm going to segment some key things to do with your photos as far as dating apps and social media are concerned. This is a lengthier blog, but it should be helpful in maximizing your success.

Downloading Photos

: Using the link and the PIN we send you, download the photos to your computer. We've found that airdropping your favorites to your phone works well as a way to transfer them, otherwise emailing + saving will work just fine too.

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Uploading to Apps

: It's time to select your favorite 6-9 photos depending on the app you're uploading to. If you have the option to have more, include them - you should have plenty of unique photos after your shoot. Often times, I've seen Tinder reject photos because they are too high quality. If you get an error uploading, first try restarting the app, but if this doesn't work, take a screenshot of the actual photo, which will drop the size down a bit enough to upload.

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Which Photos

: There are a lot of variables at play here, and you can analyze them forever if you want. The moody artistic headshot we took is many times a potential for the number one shot. Some people knock it out of the park with their facial expression and have a photo that's mysterious but also desireable. If this is the case with you, throw it up as your first photo, but with many, it's still good enough for the profile, but not the ideal first photo. Also think about who you're trying to attract. You can have a polarizing profile that attracts few, but the right ones, or more of a general profile to match with more individuals. This might be the difference between you having a nice headshot as your first photo vs. you playing Dungeons and Dragons or that shirtless gym photo.

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: We've noticed that a majority of our clients either don't have an Instagram, or have very few posts on it. If possible, get one, or login to your unused account and start posting some of those photos. This is also a good time to start taking photos of things you're doing in everyday life. Posting our photos followed by a photo of a nice meal, a recent hike, or a band you just saw: these keep up your online presence. Instagram should be connected to your dating apps, because people want to creep to see what you're like outside of merely your profile.

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Tinder Gold

: There are generally paid options for each of the online dating apps. You should definitely get the Tinder Gold membership, which is roughly $50 for six months, if you don't already have it. This gives you the option to see every person who swipes right on you, one free boost per month, and five super likes per day. Okay, that might sound like gibberish, so let me explain.

Tinder Boost

: This is an important and usefull feature that Tinder has rolled out. Currently, you're in a queue where someone will eventually get to your profile and have the chance to swipe on it. Until then, you're waiting on the list where you'll eventually be seen. Tinder boost essentially puts you first in the stack for 30 minutes, which gives you a huge advantage. The optimal time to run a boost is Sunday at 9pm, but I've also found Monday + Tuesday evenings to be fairly successfull. With Tinder Gold, you'll get one free boost per month, but otherwise, you can purchase five boosts for $14.99 and run them whenever you want. Running a few boosts at optimal times with your new photos can improve your score with Tinder and help you to be shown to more quality individuals in the future.

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Super Likes

: In my opinion, Super Likes are the most powerful feature that Tinder offers. Super Liking an individual gives a special emphasis and appears as a blue star to the person you liked. If your initial photo wasn't quite striking enough, super liking someone gives you a far better chance that someone will look further than your main photo. This means they will see the quality of your photos, your hobbies, and maybe even read your bio. I like using super likes on unique women that have a hobby that we share, but doesn't necessarily reflect on my main photo. My first photo is a moody headshot, but if I see an interesting girl that appears to enjoy rock climbing, I'll super like with the higher probabilty that they will actually look through my profile and see my rockclimbing photo which is number five. They may have not looked further, but this allows me to keep a general attractive headshot as my main photo, and not lose a large chunk of matches if I had a rock climbing photo as my first photo. So, with Tinder Gold, you're given five super likes per day instead of just one. They reset every 24 hours, so a helpful way to continue to take advantage of the super like feature is setting your timer for 24 hours once you finish your super likes. That way, when the timer goes off the next day, it's a good time to take a 5 minute break and swipe through. Tinder also seems to show you to more individuals naturally when you do a bit of swiping every day, so it's all around helpful.

Extra Resources


For help on layering your photos and branding yourself on Instagram, see this [link] (



For help getting into photography and taking interesting pictures, see thisĀ 
