How Online Dating Photos Can Lead To Marriage Our First Engaged Client

Hearing client success stories is always inspiring, whether it be a new relationship, increased matches, or an overall better quality of life due to a more exciting dating life. We recently heard of something for the first time: our first engaged client. We confirmed with him that special someone right-swiped him because of one of the photos we took of him playing soccer a number of months back. Since our photographer used to be a wedding + engagement photographer primarily, we

Hearing client success stories is always inspiring, whether it be a new relationship, increased matches, or an overall better quality of life due to a more exciting dating life. We recently heard of something for the first time: our first engaged client. We confirmed with him that special someone right-swiped him because of one of the photos we took of him playing soccer a number of months back. Since our photographer used to be a wedding + engagement photographer primarily, we reached out and offered the happy couple an engagement on The Match Artist, and they accepted. Here are a few of our favorites from the other night. If you're feeling down, and that love + relationships might not be for you, look at this couple. Although the majority of the work was done by our client, that initial seed was planted by quality photos we shot for him. We're thrilled to hear more stories like this in the future.




