From The Match Artist To Getting Engaged From Online Dating

This blog post is definitely going to be photo heavy. I shot individual photos for Karthik a little over two years ago. We had a great time hopping from place to place in San Francisco. We had tea at his place, took some photos on his motorcycle, and got a ...

This blog post is definitely going to be photo heavy.

I shot individual photos for Karthik a little over two years ago. We had a great time hopping from place to place in San Francisco. We had tea at his place, took some photos on his motorcycle, and got a variety of other shots around town.

I saw this woman continuing to pop up on his Instagram over the past year or so, and when I reached out he told me he was ready to propose. He met her online from the photos I had taken of him. 

So my wife and I flew out to San Francisco to do a 'couples session' as he told his girlfriend. Little did she know there would be a surprise proposal at the end of it.

We did some location scouting and found the perfect spot for the proposal—a little cliff over the water on the southwest side of the Golden Gate Bridge.

When we met up, we shot around The Mission for a while before heading to the proposal spot. When it came time, I said that we do some individual shots, then some facing the water (so Karthik could sneak in to drop down on one knee).

It was an agonizing 45 seconds as she commented how beautiful the view was until she finally turned around to her surprise. It never ceases to make me proud of what we do at The Match Artist. Our aim is to give people a better shot at finding the perfect person for them, and we can help you too. Take a look at the shots we grabbed, as well as our new project

The Wedding Artist

, where we tell the success stories of Match Artist clients and more.

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