User Experience on Dil Mil

Male Female Ratio Dil Mil

Written by Shane White

When it comes to online dating, the demographics of the app you sign up to is just as important as what you actually put on your profile. After all, this is the pool you’ll be swimming in!

Interestingly, Dil Mil — the app which brings South Asian expats all around the world together — has quite a different demographic when compared to other dating sites, such as Tinder or Hinge. This is because it primarily services a niche market, which has a different gender ratio.

In this article, we’re going to cover all the aspects of the male to female ratio on Dil Mil, including:

  • How many active users are on Dil Mil
  • Information about demographics on the app
  • The percentage of users who are male and female
  • What the male to female ratio on Dil Mil actually is
  • What the average age of Dil Mil users is
  • Whether Dil Mil is better for men or women
  • What the success rate for men on the app is.

Let’s get into it!

How Many Users Are Active on Dil Mil?

Dil Mil is available worldwide, with active users in the key diasporic countries of the U.S., Canada, UK, and UAE. 

While there are over 2 million users, roughly 1, 200,000 of these (about 80%) are based in the U.S., and of those about 600,000 are active weekly.

It’s hard to know exactly how many users are active across the entire user base from place to place, but as the U.S. is the key market, you can assume that roughly half of those who are signed up to the app are using it on a regular basis.

Luckily, you can actually see on people’s profiles how responsive they are to messages, so if their response rate is pretty low (less than 10%), you can likely assume that they aren’t very active on the app.

Dil Mil Demographics

As Dil Mil’s dating app is aimed at the South Asian expat community (ie, those from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, etc), the majority of members are — no surprises here! — South Asian. 

However, there are some non-South Asians who are also on the app, as anyone can create an account as long as they register with a valid phone number.

While there isn’t enough data on the actual demographics of Dil Mil’s user base, there are certain key pieces of information we can glean from the features offered.

Those on the app — likely those who have moved overseas to study and work — are also likely to have come from a certain amount of money. Chances are, they’re also likely to be more highly educated, at least to bachelor’s degree level.

When it comes to religion, one of the main things that Dil Mil offers is the ability to set filters around aspects that would be important to South Asian communities for long-term relationships. For example, religion, height, education, career, and more.

Those who are working are likely to have higher paying jobs and can afford the option of premium membership and dating services, such as the Concierge Service feature offered by Dil Mil.

Dil Mil users are also more likely to be looking for marriage than hookups. In fact, the app rose to popularity because traditional matchmaking services and arranged marriages in these times were considered “outdated” and other dating apps weren’t acceptable either, so this offered a more modern way for South Asians living away from home to meet each other.

According to Dil Mil, they have a list of around 20 million matches that have been made on the app since it began, and they claim that a match is made every hour, and one marriage as a result of the app every single day!

What Percentage of Dil Mil Users Are Males?

As at time of writing, roughly 54% of Dil Mil users are male.

What Percentage of Dil Mil Users Are Females?

As at time of writing, roughly 46% of Dil Mil users are female.

What Is the Male to Female Ratio on Dil Mil?

The male to female ratio on Dil Mil is roughly even, or 50:50. 

To be so balanced is quite rare on dating apps and websites, especially when compared to others on the Internet. However, just because the ratio is nearly 1:1 does not necessarily mean that the user engagement is proportionate.

Though the genders on Dil Mil may be equitable, the experience of the app for both sexes may not be the same!

Average Age of Users on Dil Mil

The age range with the most number of users is the 25–34 range. This makes sense as this is the age when singles may be looking for someone to fall in love and settle down with. 

It may also be the age that their families are putting a little more pressure on their lack of a serious relationship, and threatening them with matching options!

After that, the next most popular age range is 35–49, then 18–24, and finally 50+.

It makes sense that the younger demographic doesn’t use Dil Mil as much. They’re less likely to be looking for marriage, and instead may be looking to meet lots of people, rather than the one.

The 50+ demographic are likely to be those looking to get back into the dating game after a long relationship has ended, and may not necessarily be looking for a second marriage. 

Does Dil Mil Work Better for Girls or Guys?

While Dil Mil can work for both girls and guys, it’s fair to say that it’s much easier if you’re a woman to make more matches.

Women on the app tend to be less responsive, potentially because they’re receiving a lot of messages from men.

When it comes to upgrading from the basic free version of the app to VIP Elite, the paid version, women will probably have just as many opportunities to match and make conversation with others for free, without needing to upgrade.

On the other hand, men face much more competition, and so in order to stand out from the crowd may have to sign up for VIP Elite, or make payments to access better features.

It’s true that on other dating apps women receive a lot more attention, especially if they’re attractive, and on Dil Mil it’s much the same case.

And — of course — we all know that it’s not all about how you look when it comes to relationships, your dating app profile photos do play a huge part in whether or not someone chooses to swipe on your profile.

Women may not have to be quite so discerning with their photos (but should still make an effort!), but men should pay attention to the pictures they post. With so much competition on the app, you’ll need to really optimize every aspect of your profile in order to catch a potential match’s eye. 

You have the option of linking your Facebook account upon registration, which will automatically duplicate some of your information and pics (and you can also add your Instagram as a paired app, which will copy over and display the last few things you’ve posted). 

However, the best thing you could do for your profile is make sure that your photos are recent, high-quality, and show you off in your best light!

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What Is the Dil Mil Success Rate for Men?

While it’s a little difficult to quantify the Dil Mil success rate for men as there’s no available data out there (Dil Mil has a strict third party data privacy policy), the Dil Mil blog posts regular success stories. These feature couples who happened to click the heart icon on the app, fell in love, and got married.

Not to mention the extremely high success rate of one match per hour and one marriage per day!

What Is the Dil Mil Success Rate for Women?

Again, there’s not a lot of data out there, but we can safely assume that women have a fairly high match success rate on Dil Mil (likely more than men). 

However, as they are less responsive, it’s a fair assumption that women are likely more discerning with their likes (on the free version of the app you get 10 daily, which refresh every 24 hours; if you upgrade to VIP Elite you’ll have access to unlimited likes).

Do Girls Get More Matches on Dil Mil?

According to reviews, yes, girls do tend to receive more potential matches on Dil Mil. However, they may not choose to match with the majority of matches, unless they stand out from the crowd.

Concluding Thoughts

Dil Mil is a little unusual from other dating apps, as its male to female ratio is fairly even. However, this doesn’t mean that it doesn’t suffer from some of the same issues as other apps — namely, how to catch and retain a potential match’s interest!

The demographic of Dil Mil’s user base are more marriage orientated, as the app targets South Asian expats who may be ready to settle down. As a result, the most active age range on the app are 25–34 year olds.

They may also be wealthier than average, more highly educated, and have more traditional career paths.

However, the exact data is hard to find, thanks to Dil Mil’s third party data privacy policy.

Women may have the upper hand when it comes to Dil Mil, but that doesn’t mean that men can’t have success, and many do!

It’s worth noting that the app primarily targets heterosexual couples, but there is still an active LGBTQIA+ community on it.

At the end of the day, whether you’re male or female, the best way to make more matches is to ensure that you’ve optimized your profile by:

  • Fully filling out your profile
  • Writing a short and engaging bio which contains conversation starters
  • Ensuring that your six profile photos are irresistible!

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